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Yahoo Again Having Issues with the CEO?

Since 2009 search giant Yahoo has been unable to get a stable CEO on board. First it was Carol Bartz and now it is Scott Thompson. Carol was fired due to a poor performance while Scott resigned within 4 months of his tenure due to the scandal with his resume last week.

I wonder that a company as big as Yahoo who just cannot find the right CEO to run the operations, how does it intend to stay in competition with big competitors such as Google. I think it’s time they sit down and find the right person once and for all.

Thompson’s resume wrongly stated that he received an accounting and computer science degree in 1979 however, he only received accounting degree. A mistake which cost him his job as the CEO of Yahoo. The 54 year old Scott, apologized but it was probably too late as on Sunday Yahoo announced their interim CEO, Ross Levinsohn.

Looks like the company is in a lot of trouble, falling search market share, decline in ad revenue and now CEO’s changing so frequently. Let’s just hope for the best for the company!

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